Hi there. This is Silva reporting from Pittsburgh. There is something so special about being in the same place and space with people who share your passion, your struggles, and who know what you mean when you talk about breakthroughs in your work. That’s how I felt at the Intersections Conference.
This image, jumbled words arts education emblazoned with the words
VSA Texas wearing sunglasses, was created by Celia Hughes
using Imagechef.com/word_mosaic at the “Cool Tools, Hot Topics”
workshop at Intersections 2016. |
Krissie Marty from Forklift Danceworks and I got to present “Learning in Motion,” a workshop on creative movement strategies that employs the elements of dance in alignment with National Core Arts Standards. We had a room full of people who were eager to hear what we had to offer and as eager to contribute from their personal experiences. We had so much fun presenting to the group that I forgot almost instantly how nervous I was. I feel like we also got lucky as we were presenting on the first day at the first time slot so I got to enjoy other people’s workshops for the rest of the conference.
Krissie and participants in build-a-phrase action! |
One of my favorite workshops was led by a Wolf Trap Institute For Early Learning Through The Arts teaching artist, in collaboration with two special education classroom teachers. They were presenting material that they have been working on for two years and in which they have combined books with music and movement. I love it when I go to a session and know that I can use the material in my work immediately. It is like filling your toolbox with brand new shining tools. Here is their website so that you can check them out:
Valerie from the Wolf Trap Institute demonstrating her boat and sailor! |
Next year the VSA Intersections Conference will be in Austin, Texas – my hometown now – so keep your eyes open for the dates and make sure to come and share your work and meet other professionals in the field.
In this photo, Sharron Rush of Knowbility, plays with floating silver mylar pillows
in the Andy Warhol Museum at the opening reception. |
For more information about how you can get involved with Intersections 2017 in Austin, Texas contact
conducting some conference about special education may be a good thing for many teachers to have in order for them to share some new ideas on how can they still improve their work and give more benefits to their special students.